P-04-496 Through Schools

Petition wording:

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to introduce guidance for local education authorities on school mergers and closures involving all-through schools (ie schools which provide primary, secondary and post 16 education on the same site).

We ask such guidance to:

¾    prevent the creation of dual/multi site schools, involving all-through schools, where school sites are more that 10miles travelling distance apart;

¾    prevent the creation of dual/multi site schools, involving all-through schools, as a precursor to relocation to a new single site school, unless the new single site schools is able to provide an all-through education;

¾    recognise parental and learner preference for all-through schools and require local authorities to meet demand for such schools where demand is sufficient;

¾    promote the establishment and continuation of all-through schools in Wales;

¾    ensure that no learners, as result of a school closure or merger involving an all-through school, should be forced to travel for more than 45 minutes to access suitable alternative faith education provision.

Petition raised by: Dawn Dox


Date petition first considered by Committee: 24 September 2013


Number of signatures: 10